Monday, February 8, 2016


We’ve seen a lot of negativity about marriage lately, so when I saw this positive stuff, I got interested.
Whether by church wedding or signing at court, parents are giving consent for their children to be tied in holy matrimony hoping that they will procreate and live a happy life afterwards. After all the lavish ceremonies; cutting of cake, smiles and extravagant wedding dress, posing for selfies that is the imaginary dream of most contemporary women, the executory part of fulfilling the promises made to God in the presence of family, friends, colleagues and invited guest is the hard nut to crack.
How do you maintain your marriage in reality?

How do you become a better spouse for your partner and a good parent to your children?

Arguing is inevitable in a relationship, even twins fight in the womb as superstition says but if you follow these 4 Cs – (Communication, Commitment, Companionship and Care ) – there will be peace and love in your relationship.

Communication is the pivot around which every relationship evolves. Constant interaction with each other, whether phone calls, text or face-to-face erase all doubt and suspicions in a relationship.

Couples must agree to disagree amicably, forecast and plan for the future.

Don’t hesitate to say “am sorry” when you offend your partner, if you are not vulnerable in front of your partner then who else?

Words like: “I love you, am sorry, forgive and thank you” should be used daily in a healthy relationship.

Educator and author, Stephen Covey, once said that “the biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply”.

Try to listen to spouse just to understand what he/she is saying without reply. Just acknowledge.

“In sickness and in health, rain or shine…..” Commitment means dedicating yourself effortlessly to support and provide the needed assistance to your partner to maintain your relationship. And the two shall become one, which means one has to compromise in certain instance without murmuring or nagging.
“The greatest need of a man is not sex; he can get that from a prostitute if he’s not born again, and of course contract venereal disease. It is not food; he can get that from any good restaurant. A man’s greatest need is respect, particularly public respect from his wife. Some women disrespect their husbands. It is the man you treat like a king that will treat you like a queen. Give your husband the highest level of respect and honour in your culture and watch him bloom in his love for you.

“There’s no honour I will give to any human being on earth, including my spiritual mentors, anybody at that if I have not given it to my husband. After the Lord Jesus Christ, my husband is the only king in my kingdom and the only Emperor in my empire.”




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